
Struggling with your mental health and ready to dive in deeper with a therapist?

Introducing DiveThru Therapy —take charge of your mental health with the right support for you.

Why We’re Different

Thorough Matching Tool

We connect you with a therapist that is the right fit for you. When you show up for therapy, we want you to feel seen, heard and understood.

Safe Space

Our studio is a safe, welcoming and inclusive space where can express your authentic self, show up in all of your feels and work through any challenges.

Intentional Care

We’re intentional about our approach to mental health care. Each session has a flexible structure to ensure consistency but enough room for flexibility so that you and your therapist can customize sessions based on your needs.


Use our DiveThru app to take notes and set goals for upcoming sessions. From booking to paying for sessions, everything is in the app so you can have one less thing to worry about.

Services Offered At DiveThru

At DiveThru, we offer a wide range of service, both in-person at our DiveThru Studios and through our online platform. Whether you’re looking for individual therapy, couples, group or something else, therapy at DiveThru has you covered!
Individual Therapy
Couples Therapy
Child & Youth Therapy
Family Therapy
Group Therapy

What To Expect From Your DiveThru Therapy Sessions

1. Find the right therapist fit

Starting with our matching questionnaire where you can set preferences based on a range of identities, approaches and lived experiences, we do everything in our power to find you a therapist that checks all of your boxes! During your very first session together, you can discuss your goals, ask them all of your burning questions, and see if the client-therapist fit you’re looking for is there.

2. Attend your sessions online, in person, or a hybrid of the two

Our gorgeous therapy studios are located in Edmonton and St. Albert. We also offer virtual therapy as well. Please note—at the moment, we only offer virtual therapy for residents of Alberta, British Columbia and Ontario.

3. Work through and track your therapy tasks in the app

Our tech-powered therapy solutions include a tonnnn of mental health exercises assigned in our app that can support you in your overall journey or in between therapy sessions. Your therapist may assign tasks at the end of your session or you may choose to work through them on your own! Either way, these resources will be there for you in the moments when you need them the most.

4. Complete and review progress alongside your therapist

Therapy is not a linear process and there might be times when you feel like you have not made progress at all. You and your DiveThru therapist will integrate feedback into your sessions, tracking how you are doing so you celebrate the victories and keep doing what’s working, or putting your heads together when things aren’t improving. Research shows that when therapists and clients are checking in on progress together, it leads to better client outcomes, increased client engagement, and a stronger therapeutic relationship.

Ready to embrace your mental health?
