Every family unit is unique — and so are the issues you may focus on or the things you may want to address with therapy. Whether your goal is to improve communication, cope with family conflicts, or find ways to understand each other better, our family therapists can guide you through it. Our DiveThru Studios are a safe, welcoming and inclusive space where you and your family members can feel comfortable working through it all.
Use our 5-minute matching tool to narrow down your search and find the top 1–3 therapists best suited to your family’s needs.
At the end of the therapist matching survey, you’ll have the option to pick from your top therapist matches or to browse the rest of our DiveThru therapists. Once you’re ready, book your first appointment and add in the rest of the family members. The very first family therapy appointment booked will always be 80 minutes to account for the extra time needed for this initial intake session.
Log in to your DiveThru profile and head to Settings > Forms to find the family consent form for your first session. If you’ve downloaded the DiveThru App, you can complete them right in there! You can also use a desktop browser for this step by logging in to our portal. If you’re having trouble, you can also complete your family consent form during your first session with your therapist!
Whether virtually or in person, we’re happy to welcome you to DiveThru! For those attending in person, our waiting room is cozy and relaxing and stocked with snacks, beverages, and fun mental health stickers. Our therapy rooms have large couches and we can provide fidget spinners, children’s toys, or colouring books to keep kiddos engaged. If you’re attending virtually, you will receive a secured video link emailed to each family member the day of your appointment.
At the end of your session, your family and your therapist can discuss plan for treatment and schedule future sessions if it feels appropriate. Our studio coordinators will handle fee payment by charging your credit card on file (if virtual) and check in with you on preferred method of payment (if in person).
Family therapy can provide support and guidance in so many different ways. Whether you’re tackling challenging family dynamics like separation or divorce, working through trauma or loss, or trying to build healthier relationships, a mental health therapist can help you navigate it all. Here are a few of the benefits of family therapy:
#8 5090 Windermere Blvd NW, Edmonton, AB, T6W0L7
10151 81 Ave NW, Edmonton, AB T6E 1W9
#720, 860 St. Albert Trail St. Albert, Alberta T8N 3P8
Alberta Residents Only
British Columbia Residents Only
Ontario Residents Only
Our 50-minute counselling sessions to $220 and our 80-minute counselling sessions to $330. Our rates are reflective of the rates recommended by the Psychological Association of Alberta.
Our therapy services are covered by most insurance providers; please note that your insurance coverage depends on your provider, as well as your plan. We also offer direct billing to select providers. Whether or not we can successfully direct bill them may still depend on your insurance plan and/or the type of therapist you have attended a session with. In the event that we are not able to direct bill to your plan, you can still submit your therapy receipt for reimbursement! If you have any questions about the new changes (or anything else!), please feel free to reach us at hello@divethru.com or 587-415-4910. As always, we’re happy to support you!
We request that you give us as much notice as possible when canceling or rescheduling your appointment so that we can open up that slot time for someone else who may really need it. For cancellations that are less than 48 hours in advance, we will be charging the full session price.
Whether you’re booking individual, couples’ or family appointments, the process is the same! To book your very first appointment, create a profile first. Once you’ve got your profile set up, you can browse your therapist’s schedule for openings and book whenever you’re ready! Jot down your username and password and in the future, all you’ll have to do is log in to book your appointments.
Depends! Everyone over 18 has to consent for themselves, so whoever consents to attend counselling will be at the appointments. In addition, depending on your situation, your therapist may want to see certain family members at different times. You’ll work with your therapist to find a schedule and routine that benefits all parties.
There is no limit to how many family members can attend family therapy appointments. However, for in-person appointments, space is an important consideration. For family groups larger than three, your DiveThru therapist may book a different space to accommodate. For virtual appointments, depending on the number of family members present, it might be necessary for some family members to be at the same location.
We know how important the client-therapist relationship is to successful outcomes, and we will do everything in our power to find the right fit for your family. We encourage you to bring this concern up with your therapist if you feel comfortable, and we will work with you to find solutions and a better fit for you and your family.
DiveThru also offers a one-on-one Rematch Service to help you find your ideal fit. If you wish to use this service, please fill out our Rematch Service Form, and they’ll work alongside you to help find your new fit.