How to Care for Your Mental Health With Nutrition

Nutrition and mental health have been connected for yearssss and yearssss. You’ve probably seen article after article about eating right, what vitamins and supplements you should take, and what foods contain what benefits. These articles are usually published in the magazines that sit in a bin in the bathroom of your mom’s house. But are these bathroom-bin magazines right!? Actually, some of them are. 

Proper nutrition is super important when it comes to brain health. And what’s brain health connected to? MENTAL HEALTH! Look at you go, you got the first question right!

How Mental Health Is Connected to Nutrition 

Time for a metaphor that you’ve definitely heard before! (omg that rhymed)

Imagine that your body is a car. A car can’t run without fuel, right? And a car can’t run with the wrong kind of fuel, right? The fuel we put into our bodies impacts how it functions – that includes the brain. We need the right kind of fuel in our bodies because our brain is always working and it needs to be supported.

One of the biggest ways that food influences mental health is when it comes to eating disorders. A person’s relationship with food becomes damaged, and their mental and physical health suffers because of it. Depression and anxiety are also impacted by a person’s relationship with food. The food you eat might not be the direct cause of your mental health struggles, but it can definitely influence an already existing issue. 

When we’re in the midst of a battle with our brain, we’re more likely to choose foods that don’t really nourish our body. And when we don’t eat or don’t eat the right kind of foods, we end up feeling worse physically. Here are some not-so-great things that happen when we’re not eating right:

– Fatigue

– Skipping meals makes us stressed and hangry 

– Blood sugar and energy level drop and impact moods 

– Sluggishness 

– Brain fog

Feeling moody/anxious/irritable

– Feeling cold 

– Lack of energy 

If that’s not a long enough list to help you realize that your belly needs some good shit to send to your brain, we might need to make a longer list!

What Food Is Good for Your Brain 

So, we’ve told you that you need to eat well. You’re probably thinking “Cool, but how do I do that?” Obviously, you know all about the food pyramid and what it means to have a balanced diet, but we’re going to talk about something else – food for thought! Get it? Because food impacts your mind! These vitamins and elements found in food are some of the things that impact our mental wellness and brain health:

Vitamin D: Activates enzymes that produce neurotransmitters like dopamine and norepinephrine. Norepinephrine impacts your sleep cycle and influences focus, and memory. Dopamine influences things like pleasure, desire, mood, and motivation. 

Antioxidants: Prevents oxidative stress and memory loss

Omega 3: There has been some evidence suggesting that Omega 3’s can have an anti-inflammatory effect on the brain which can improve brain function and health, and reduce memory loss! 

Fibre: Promotes good bacteria in your gut and can potentially help reduce anxiety

Carbs: Important to help keep your blood sugar levels elevated. Low blood sugar impacts your mood, attention, focus, and can make you feel sluggish. 

Vitamin B: Has been seen to help with depression and anxiety! There are a number of B vitamins that have different benefits. Vitamin B5 supports adrenal gland function (helping reduce anxiety), and Vitamin B9 and vitamin B12 can help balance out depressive moods. 

All of these can be found in nutritious food options. That doesn’t mean you can’t keep eating chips and hummus (lol we basically live on that), but just make sure that you throw in some apples and spinach in your diet every now and again to help your brain out.

How to Incorporate Good Food Into Your Diet 

When we’re having a hard time mentally, we don’t always eat the healthiest things, and that’s ok (see above admission about chips and hummus)! What you’re experiencing is hard on both your body and mind. Making a meal isn’t always possible, so you go for the easiest things to eat (again, chips and hummus). 

You are absolutely allowed to eat however you want and need to. What’s important is that you have food in your body. But there are easy-to-make, healthy options that you can have on hand, and smoothies are a perfect way to get some important shit in your belly! 

Our favourite option? Smoothies from Evive Nutrition! We love them because you can make these smoothies without a blender! You pop out the little triangles, put them in a glass, then shake it up! It’s an easy and healthy way to incorporate fruits and veggies into your diet when your body needs a boost. 

They also have some really simple and easy lunch options that you can make too! Macaroni and cheese? Yep! Tom Thai? You betcha! The best part about their meals and smoothies is that they’re packed full of organic produce and essential nutrients. Plus, they’re all plant-based, so your lactose-intolerant tummy will thank you! 

We’ve partnered up with Evive and got you a super awesome code, divethru10, that will take $10 off your first order! (USA & Canada only)

Do your best to include healthy foods that will get you the nutrients you need to support your sweet little brain. Just know that there is no rush or expectation for you to change however you’re nourishing your body right now. You do what you gotta do, baby!

*This article is sponsored by Evive Nutrition Inc.


How to Care for Your Body When You’re Stressed and Depressed AF

AHHHH! You’re stressed and depressed and it feels like it’ll never end. What nasty little monsters those emotions can be. Sometimes we just want them to leave and never come back! Cool? Cool. 

If only that were the case. Depression and stress can feel like such overwhelming forces, keeping us stuck in bed and feeling like we aren’t able to do anything. Like… ANYTHING! Showering? Nope. Dishes? No way in hell! What about making food? Pfft!

When our mental health is taking a toll, we often forget about self-care entirely. That’s ok! It’s hard work! If reading this article is all the self-care you can manage for yourself today, that’s all that matters. We’re proud of you!

What a lot of us forget is that our own definitions of self-care are allowed to change depending on how our brains are feeling. Yep, it’s not a static thing! If you’re having a great mental health day, some self-care might mean treating yourself to a nice meal, doing a face mask, drawing a bubble bath… all that good shit! But self-care can also be about completing simple tasks that seem too big to tackle. 

We’re going to call these self-care tasks “realistic self-care.” 

5 Ways to Practice Realistic Self-Care

Realistic self-care isn’t about doing massive things, but it’s about accomplishing necessary things to take care of yourself when you’re struggling. Here’s a checklist if you aren’t quite sure where to start: 

1. Take a Shower

Sometimes we just don’t have the energy to take a shower! The thought of having to wash ourselves, do our hair, and get dressed is sooooo daunting. But it’s important to keep clean. Showering regularly keeps your immune system working well, your body bacteria-free, and helps you smell like a fresh little daisy!  

2. Eat Something

Eating something can be considered self-care? You bet your booty it can! We literally need it to stay alive. If you have the ability and the energy to go the extra mile with your food-self-care, consider getting creative in the kitchen and making a super nutritious meal, or ordering in your favourite food. But if all you can manage is some cookies in bed, that’s ok! What matters most is that you’re feeding your body. 

If you don’t feel like making a whole meal, there are easy options to keep you nourished with little effort. One of our favourite ways to do this is with Evive Nutrition’s smoothies! They’re super easy to make because you pop out the little triangles, put them in a glass with a lid, and shakeshakeshakeshake! Et voilà! You don’t even need a blender, which also means fewer dishes to clean up! The best part? You get a good dose of your organic fruits and veggies. It’s honestly a great option for making sure you’re nourishing your body when you’re stressed and depressed af. 

We’ve partnered up with Evive and got you a super awesome code, divethru10, that will take $10 off your first order! (USA & Canada only)

3. Brush Your Teeth 

You’re well aware of how important dental hygiene is. Having to go to the dentist can be an expensive trip that we don’t want! If you’re having one of those low days and you can’t bring yourself to do it, that’s okay. We’re just here to remind you that brushing your teeth counts as self-care. If you get to it today, that will be a small and mighty win for you! And for your chompers.

4. Clean Up Any Dirty Dishes to Prevent Mold

Mold is terrible and we know that you know that. We also know that it starts with one plate, then another, then some more, until suddenly you’re facing the leaning tower of dirty dishes. It’s much harder to tackle that tower than it is to tackle one plate at a time. Giving your sink a quick rinse after eating or drinking will help with this. You don’t have to do the dishes right away, but just make sure that any food and liquid is washed away from your plates and cups. This is also a form of self-care!

5. Brush Your Hair to Prevent Knots From Forming

If you’ve been feeling extra low than usual for the past day (or week, or month), you’ve likely been moving back and forth between your bed and the couch. Too many days of that in a row will definitely leave some tangles in your hair (iykyk). We like to call them hair nests. Make sure that you run a brush or a comb through your locks everyday or every other day to prevent tangles from forming. Your noggin will thank you for taking care of it! If your hair is long enough, put it in a simple braid to help keep it from getting all tangled up. 

Be gentle with yourself and take time to celebrate the small wins. All of those small wins will eventually add up to make a massive difference. You’ll look back at where you started and it’ll blow your fricken mind at how far you’ve come!  Each step you take is a step in the right direction. Omg that’s so cheesy. But it’s true! We’re here supporting you, holding the proverbial digital camera, shouting “You’re doing great sweetie!” You’ve got this! 


*This article is sponsored by Evive Nutrition Inc.


7 Instagram Accounts Focused on Healthy Eating (Minus the Diet Culture)

It can be overwhelming when you first start looking at recipes and learning how to focus on healthy eating. There’s so much diet culture and diet-centred rhetoric out there that it’s hard to figure out fact from fiction when it comes to food. We don’t want you to be exposed to all that crap because we don’t believe in diets or diet culture, and we don’t believe in following people who promote it.

Well, don’t worry! You can avoid alllll of that because we’ve already done the work for you! Here’s a list of some of our favourite accounts that promote healthy eating with ZERO body shaming and diet-rhetoric.

1. @drjoshuawolrich

One of our favourite doctors, Dr. Joshua Wolrich, is all about helping people eat what they want and feel good while doing it. He’s here to fight the stigma around weight, champion his patients, and post some really cute pics of his pup. 


2. @uclnutritionsociety

This account doesn’t have a ton of followers yet, but it has some of the YUMMIEST recipes that we’ve come across. If you’re looking to make delicious food, this is basically the only account you need. They make everything from smoothie bowls, to pancakes, to homemade Reese’s eggs!

They create recipes that benefit your body and mind that also taste AMAZING. Now, if you’ll excuse us, we are going to go make one of these dishes for our supper. 


3. @diabetes.rd

Madalyn is a fantastic dietician who focuses on helping people with diabetes manage their blood sugar and still eat what they love! 

She focuses on what you can add to a meal opposed to what someone needs to take away. It’s aaaalll about positive reinforcement with her and we are HERE FOR IT!


4. @rachealhartleyrd

Rachel is a non-diet dietician who believes that you can eat good food and food that’s good for you!

She posts some delicious looking pictures of her meals that have also inspired us to cook some of her yummy recipes for ourselves.

We love her because she is NOT here for body shaming and diets either. Rachel is allll about intuitive eating and teaching people how to enjoy every bite of their delicious food. 


5. @jessiehoffman_phd

Jessie Hoffman is a registered dietician and assistant professor in nutritional sciences. She lives for facts and helping people overcome their fear foods by breaking down the myths around them. Carbs? Totally cool! Corn? Go for it! She’s here to help us battle against diet culture while teaching people to love what they eat and listen to what their body needs. 


6. @body_peace_liberation

Kathleen Bishop is the voice behind this awesome account that focuses on teaching people how to love the food they eat and feel great with noooo dieting whatsoever!

After years of fighting diet culture, she’s still going strong. Kathleen also takes an incredibly inclusive approach to her work and talks about how to support people in marginalized communities.

She cares deeply about helping people battle their body image issues and create a more positive relationship with food.


7. @caraskitchen

Cara Carin Cifelli has some of the most insta-worthy food pics everrrr! She also works hard to help people reconnect with their body and love themselves while feeling like they don’t have to restrict their food in order to change-up what they eat.   

In her coaching, Cara takes a holistic approach and uses a lot of different modalities and techniques when working with her clients. Nutrition and mental health are soooo connected and she takes a full-body approach to her practice.

If you’re looking to be inspired on basically every level, she’s a fantastic person to follow!

There You Have It!

7 awesome Instagram accounts that you can follow to help you eat more nutritiously. Hopefully, they will help you find positive information that encourages you to embrace all kinds of food and love your body the way it is–no matter what you eat!


How to Get Through Your Day When You Have No Motivation

Finding the interest to tackle your to-do list and accomplish all of your goals can be really challenging. Maybe you’re having a hard time focusing on your work, so you start scrolling through social media instead of meeting that important deadline. Or you might be struggling with boredom while studying for an exam — to the point where you’re considering just calling it a day to binge some Netflix instead. But deep down, you’ve got that nagging feeling inside that won’t let up. You know you HAVE to get your stuff done, or else there are gonna be some serious consequences. The problem is? You’re not sure how! You have absolutely no motivation.

We’ve all been there. It might feel impossible to get through the day when you have zero motivation, but you can get through it! Here are some ways you can accomplish what you need to, even when you don’t feel like it (at all).

1. Find the Reason Why You Have No Motivation

You might write off your lack of motivation for one simple reason: I just don’t feel like it. But your lack of motivation is probably deeper than that, so let’s dig some more. WHY don’t you feel like it? Are you a perfectionist who’s afraid you won’t meet your own high expectations? Have you convinced yourself you don’t know what you’re doing, so instead you’re choosing to not try? 

Maybe there’s some discomfort there because it’s a mundane task, so you feel bored or frustrated and just wanna avoid it altogether. Whatever it might be, unpacking the real reason you feel no motivation to do anything can give you the clarity you need to overcome it!

2. Don’t Wait for Motivation to Come

Waiting to feel motivated to do something sounds like a good idea in the moment, but it’s really just setting yourself up to fail. When it comes to getting shit done, we don’t just magically WANT to do it. Instead of procrastinating and waiting for that fire to be lit under our asses, we’ve gotta do it ourselves. So don’t wait until you feel like doing it ‘cause chances are, that won’t happen. Reframe the task you NEED to do as something you actually WANT to do. It might take some convincing, but it can really help. Be your own firestarter!

3. Fake It ‘Til You Make It

Sometimes, tricking our brains is the best way to get shit done! Ask yourself: If I was motivated, what would I be doing right now? Chances are, you wouldn’t be lounging around in your pajamas as you scroll endlessly through TikTok. Instead, visualize what a productive day looks like for you. Maybe it’s starting the day earlier, having an organized workspace, or eliminating your most tempting distraction (again, lookin’ at you TikTok!). If you pretend, maybe you’ll convince yourself the motivation was there all along! Funny how the brain works, huh?

4. Be Kind to Yourself

When that drive is lacking, chances are you’re probably being hard on yourself. Remind yourself that, sometimes, it’s totally normal to have no motivation to work! In a perfect world, we’d all feel super motivated 24/7 and productivity would skyrocket. But that’s just not reality! We’re all just doing our best to get through the day, so show yourself some kindness. Try repeating these compassionate phrases out loud: Even though I feel unmotivated right now, I can get through today. I can push through and do what needs done. I am strong and capable!

5. Incorporate Some Fun

Incorporating a lil’ bit of fun into even the most boring tasks is a great way to build some intrinsic motivation. Play some upbeat music while you work. Move your work setup outside if the sun is shining. Have a quick brainstorming sesh with other people. There are so many different ways you can make your goals more enjoyable and these simple solutions can make a huuuge difference! You’ve just gotta get that mood shifted, and that spark will get going in no time. 

6. Make Sure to Take Enough Breaks

Another reason you might have no motivation? Your. Brain. Needs. A. Break! And no, we don’t mean the kinda break that involves watching “just one more episode” and then suddenly hours have passed and holy shit you’ve accomplished nothing you said you would (no judgement, it happens to the best of us!). Set up designated breaks throughout your day so that your mind can rest and come back to work feeling refreshed and energized. Just make sure to set those limits and stick to ‘em!

7. Think of How It’ll Feel Once You’re Done

That feeling when you’ve accomplished everything you were supposed to at the end of the day — what an ahhhhh-mazing feeling! Try to visualize how it’s gonna feel after you crush your goals. You won’t be stressed or anxious about what you didn’t get done. Instead, you’ll feel a sense of pride and accomplishment! Then, you’ll feel no guilt about relaxing and taking some time for yourself ‘cause, after all, look at what you’ve achieved! Props to you and all of your hard work.

8. Reward Yourself

Lastly, you deserve to reward yourself with some self-care for getting through the day like a total boss. Even though you didn’t feel motivated, you still managed to pull through and get shit done! That’s pretty incredible, if you ask us. It’s so important to practice self-care and make it part of your regular routine. Feeling unmotivated can be related to feelings of stress and anxiety, so make sure to nurture your mental wellbeing. Self-care isn’t just candles and bubble baths — it’s a way of life, baby!

We hope we’ve inspired you to cross off the many things on your to-do list. It’s not always easy, but the results are so rewarding. You’ve got this!



3 Reasons Why You Should Never Skip Lunch Time at Work

There are lots of reasons why we might feel the need to skip lunch time during our work days. Maybe it’s rushing to complete a deadline, or not wanting to disrupt the workflow you’ve got going on. You might even convince yourself that you’re actually not THAT hungry.  It’s perfectly fine to just wait until dinner time. We’ve all done it. After all, you’re just being productive, right? 

Buuut this sorta flawed thinking can be SUPER counter-productive. Skipping lunch has negative impacts on both our physical and mental health, especially if you tend to do it pretty often. And when you’re not feeling your best, it can have some serious consequences for your work day! Here are some reasons you should never (ever ever ever) skip lunch at work.

1. You Deserve to Take a Break

Look, we don’t doubt how hard you work. Whether you’re on your feet all day or sitting at a desk, work is work! Everyone (we repeat: EVERYONE) deserves to take a lunch break at some point during the day. It doesn’t matter how busy you are, how hectic the day has gotten or how much left is on the to-do list. Your body and mind deserve time to step away, de-stress and be nourished with a balanced meal. So enjoy lunch time! We’re not taking no for an answer.

2. Your Body and Mind Need Fuel

Guess what happens when we feel hungry for too long. We get hangry! Really though, think about the last time you felt super hangry. You were probably sluggish, cranky and had a hard time focusing, right? Maybe you even felt a lil’ woozy. Not exactly what you want when you’re trying to work. This is why we don’t skip lunch! 

It’s a LOT harder to function when you’re running on empty. Did you know your brain uses 20 percent of your body’s energy everyday? That’s a whole lot of energy which requires — you guessed it — food. Say it with us…FOOD IS FUEL!

It’s okay. Your work will be waiting for you when you get back. Plus, you’ll come back to it feeling more productive and alert! You CAN burn through that to-do list, but only after you get some nutrition in you. 

3. It Might Become a Bad Habit

Skipping lunch can be a tough habit to break. If you usually skip it, you might train your mind to think it’s not hungry around lunchtime (even though your body still needs that nutrition to thrive!). Then you just get caught in this vicious cycle of missing an important meal, feeling like garbage and struggling to get through the rest of the work day. 

This isn’t the kinda routine you want for yourself Monday through Friday. Eating balanced meals everyday is a must, including a nutritious lunch that will keep you going until it’s time to clock out. (Do people still say clock out?)

So we’ve convinced you to not skip lunch at work. But maybe part of the problem isn’t that you don’t want to take lunch… it’s that you don’t know how to plan your lunch. You’re super busy, aren’t you?! We get that. Meal planning can be tricky and figuring out what you wanna pack for lunch can be such a hassle.

How to Simplify Lunch Time

We know you’ve got a lot on your plate…but we want something on your ACTUAL plate when it comes to meal time. Cooking lunch from scratch can take too long, and so does trying to figure out what to eat on-the-go. What’s a pal to do?! ***rummaging around for our sidekick cape***

We’ve got the solution! Evive Nutrition makes smoothies that are the absolute bomb, whether you want a fruity snack or a quick lunch! They’re nutritious and tasty, but the best of all? They’re blender-free. You read that right — no appliances required, baby! 

Evive Nutrition’s smoothies come in triangles that you simply shake up and drink up, making them a super easy option no matter where you work. They’re made with organic fruits and veggies, and contain plant-based protein. So you’re sure to get all of those nutrients to keep you going throughout the day. 

Prep-time? Next to nothing. Clean up time? Also a non-issue. Nutritional value? It’s all there! Plus, we’ve partnered up with Evive Nutrition and got you a super awesome code, divethru10, that will take $10 off your first order! (USA & Canada only)

We hope this convinced you to never even THINK of skipping lunch at work again! Remember — your mind and body deserve proper nourishment, friend. You work hard. So treat yourself with care!

*This article is sponsored by Evive Nutrition Inc.


12 Instagram Accounts That Are All About Going to Therapy

Learning more about going to therapy can be a bit daunting, especially if you’re at the beginning of your mental health journey. You probably have a ton of questions about the process and about your own mental health!

We did an Instagram deep dive and found some awesome accounts that we think would be really great for you to follow! They’re informative, educational, and are created by some really wonderful people. Most importantly, these accounts create a really cool community space where you can talk about mental health struggles! People supporting other people?? We’re here for it!! 

If you’re already in therapy, we recommend that you follow these accounts anyway because they’re still prettyyyy great!

1. @therapyforblackgirls

BIPOC communities have been going THROUGH it for so long. It can become really heavy trying to bear the weight of oppression, racism, violence, and sexism on your shoulders. The experiences of a Black person are something that a white therapist or counsellor could never fully understand.

That’s why we love this account! Dedicated to promoting mental wellbeing for Black girls and women, @therapyforblackgirls provides support, education and resources to those who need it. Give this account a follow! It doesn’t matter what colour your skin is because the mental wellbeing of BIPOC is something that we should all learn about and work to understand.

2. @askdrjess

Dr. Jessica Clemons is a psychiatrist based out of NYC. She has graced Instagram with her welcoming energy and informative content!

She posts videos and hosts lives that talk aaaalll about mental health and going to therapy. Do you want to know more about what you’ve been feeling? Her content might be able to help you out! 

3. @therapyuntangled

Stephanie Essenfield has dedicated her Instagram to helping people not be afraid of going to therapy, and share ways that they can help their own mental health. 

None of the tips are overwhelming, and she’s made her Instagram page an incredibly positive space. Stephanie is the perfect follow if you want to learn more about how you can help your own mental health! She gives different strategies to help you approach the issues you’re dealing with in a way that works for you. After all, therapy isn’t a one-size-fits-all kind of thing. 

4. @ediestarktherapy

This lovely therapist, Edie Stark, is Fat Positive, LGBTQIA2S+ Inclusive, and specializes in eating disorders! She is also a certified intuitive eating counsellor! 

We love her for her inspirational quotes as well as her awesome and fun content! Edie gets super real with us and lets us know that it’s ok to be human and have the feels that we have. And let’s be honest, we have a LOT of feels…

No matter what’s going on with us, Edie’s Instagram always makes us feel better! 

5. @notbrokenjusthuman

Psychotherapist Taylor Broughton is one of our new favourite Instagram mental health advocates to follow. Not only is she a badass feminist, but she provides affirming therapy to people in the Queer Community! How awesome is that?

Her posts are super educational, welcoming, and break down the stigma around mental health and therapy. Honestly, her Instagram feels like a warm hug from a good friend. Like she says herself, she’s not a regular therapist, she’s a “cool therapist!”

6. @millennial.therapist

Sara Kubric, AKA The Millennial Therapist, is an existential therapist, writer, and life-coach with an Instagram page that’s on point. Literally, her posts include bullet points of helpful tips from managing stress to positive self-talk. She also shares a ton of “note to self” and “reminder” posts for some bite-sized mental health wisdom. Defs give her a follow!

7. @sitwithwhit

Whitney Goodman is a licensed marriage and family therapist who is also trained in trauma. Her IG page is filled with trauma and relationship-focused mental health content that is both honest and super insightful. We love how she keeps it real on the ‘gram, and you will too!

8. @nedratawwab

As a licensed therapist and relationship expert, Nedra Glover Tawwab’s Instagram gives the tools you need to maintain healthy relationships in your life. Plus, she gives great advice on how to set boundaries and why they’re so important! So ya, you’re gonna need to give her a follow.

9. @dr.christina_

Dr. Christina is a clinical psychologist and founder of the mental health action campaign #therapyiscool. Her feed is full of witty, to-the-point content that de-stigmatizes going to therapy. We gotta say, that’s pretty cool.

10. @mswjake

Therapist and mental health advocate Jake Ernst is the voice behind this awesome Instagram account! If you follow this account, it will help to reaffirm and validate your emotions and experiences. 

Jake will give mental health tips and encourage you to practice self care in different ways. The threads and images posted to the account help break down complex mental health concepts into succinct messages that are also hella relatable.

The posts from @mswjake are super relatable and informative!   

11. @createthelove

Mark Groves is a human connection specialist who posts “no-BS relationship advice.” His IG also features Live videos with therapists where they touch on a ton of different topics including healthy relationships, breakups and how to move on. We looove to see it!

12. @therapyforwomen

She’s not just another therapist – her name is Amanda E. White and she’s relatable AF. Therapy For Women (*as mentioned in her bio, it’s not just for women btw) combines funny content that makes you feel seen, plus great advice for a range of mental health topics. Ummm, count us in!

We hope that you enjoy following these accounts as much as we do! They share incredibly helpful information and bring so much goodness to the internet. Feel free to give us a follow too! We share some pretty sick posts, but then again, we’re biased.


10 Ways Parents Can Support Their LGBTQ+ Youth After Coming Out

So, your kid is part of the Queer Community. That’s dope!! It sounds like they’re prettyyyy awesome. If you’re not part of the Queer Community or aren’t that involved with it, you’re most likely reading this article because you aren’t quite sure how to support your child after coming out to you. But we think you’re pretty dope too, because you’re here to learn!

You probably have a lot of emotions whirling around, or you’re totally chill. Either way, we’re going to give you some tips on how to support your newly Queer kiddo!

Tell Them You Love Them

This is the most important thing that you can do for your kid. Coming out is a maaaaaajor life event for some people! They were probably really worried that you wouldn’t love and accept them anymore.

We know that you care about your kid, so show them that you’ll love them unconditionally and forever. They need you right now because they’re probably feeling really vulnerable and raw. Your support means the world to them, especially right now!

Talk to Them

Keep that line of communication open! Let them know that they can go to you for anything they need. If there ever comes a time when they’re going through some really hard shit (hopefully that won’t happen, but it’s better to be prepared), they’ll know that they can trust you for guidance and support.

Don’t be afraid to ask questions too! Keep learning through them and work to understand how they need you to support them during this new stage of their life.

Educate Yourself

There is a lot to learn about the Queer Community! We won’t lie to you! But it’s important that you do your homework on Queer issues, Queer history, different gender and sexual identities, and the emotional state of Queer people before and after they come out.

Learn as much as you can! If you aren’t sure where to start, ask your kid. They’ll probably be really excited to teach you allll about themselves! But if they don’t, that’s okay. They’re probably still learning too.

Respect Their New Identity

Your child’s new identity might mean that they identify with a specific sexual orientation or a new gender (or no gender at all). They might even go by a new name or use a new set of pronouns.

It might be hard for you to adjust to at first, but even though it might be a tough transition, keep working towards it. Your child deserves to be respected. Practice your kid’s new pronouns! Do some research on their sexual identity! Honestly, respect can also be as simple as showing no judgement towards them and the choices they make. Just frickin’ love your kid! 

Connect Them with a Queer Mentor

If you are straight and cisgender, you probably won’t know or understand the experiences of your Queer child, and that’s ok! Unfortunately, you can’t be an expert on everything even though you might want to be. That’s why you should look into connecting them to a mentor who is also part of the Queer Community!

This mentor could help your child through some experiences that are totally foreign to you. For example, dating a person of the same gender might not be something that you know how to navigate. There are a million dating apps for Queer people, and you might not even know what those dating apps are called! Isn’t Bumble something a bee does?

Validate Their Feelings

Even though you might not understand what they’re going through and experiencing, let them know that it’s totally fine for them to feel how they’re feeling. Whether their emotions have to do with gender dysphoria, heartbreak, or questioning their sexuality, let them know that it’s ok to feel this way!

Don’t negate or push down their experiences because that will be soooo painful for them. Validate how they feel and remind them that you’re there with them every step of the way.

Listen to Them

This tip kind of goes along with validating their feelings. Listening to your kid can make a world of a difference. Talking out problems can feel sooo cathartic and can help a person dive thru their problems.

Let them cry on your shoulder or vent to you about their day. Just be there to support them with a judgement-free and open ear. You can also encourage them to practice self-care after coming out, which can help them process all the emotions and feelings they’re feeling. 

Respect Their Boundaries

As a parent to a newly Queer kid, you probably are really curious or concerned with how they will be living their life moving forward. You might want to be involved in everythinggg to make sure that they’re safe and happy, and that’s totally ok! But, at the same time, you’re going to have to respect their boundaries.

You can absolutely show a healthy interest in their life, but don’t pry or be overbearing. Don’t smother them or become a helicopter parent because they definitely won’t appreciate that!

If you’re wondering how to look after your kid and be respectful of their space, ask them! Have a conversation about boundaries and what you can do to be involved in their lives while still letting them live theirs.

Let Them Express Themselves

You might not like what we’re about to say, but we’re going to say it anyway! Let your kid express themselves through their appearance. This means supporting them if they want to change their hair colour, dress a certain way, change their style, start a new hobby, whatever!

You might not love that they want to do this, but this process is allll about self-discovery. Let them find who they are through the expression of their outer self.

Don’t Tease Them (and Stand Up for Them When Others Do)

Even though you might have a fun and jokey relationship with your kid, try to not tease them about their new identity. Obviously, we don’t know the inner workings of your family dynamic, but if your kid has recently come out, it might still be a sensitive topic. 

If someone bullies your child or teases them in any way, stand up for them! Protect them and make sure that they know they can count on you to help them stand up to people who display prejudice and hate.

You’re probably feeling a little overwhelmed, and we totally get it! It’s a lot to take in all at once. But we know that you’re a great parent. How can we tell? Because you’re reading this article! You clearly want the best for your child and so do we. If you do these 10 things, your kid will definitely love and appreciate you for it. Now, go give them a hug!


8 Reasons to Show Yourself Some Love This Valentine’s Day

We all know the 14th of February is a day for L-O-V-E. But for so many of us, Valentine’s Day might be the most dreaded holiday to ever exist. Maybe reading those Hallmark cards with cheesy poems makes you eye roll so fucking hard. Seeing huge bouquets of roses might cause you to break out in hives (and not ‘cause you’re allergic!). Even if you’re the biggest romantic in the world, Valentine’s Day puts sooo much pressure on everyone to be coupled up (and happily so!) that it can suck the romance right out of you! Even the couples feel the pressure to make a big deal out of this day.

It’s time to emphasize some self-love this Valentine’s Day, whether you’re in a relationship or not. Even if you have amazing plans lined up with the love of your life, take at least one small moment to yourself. Here are some simple reasons why:

1. Your “me time” is important

When was the last time you fit some “me time” into your busy schedule? And no, your after-work routine of making dinner and going to bed as usual doesn’t count. We’re talking about setting some time to practice self-care by doing things just for YOU. We can’t stress this enough: it’s so important to prioritize yourself and enjoy your own company. ‘Cause you’re the best! Who wouldn’t wanna spend time with you?!

2. You might be feeling lonely

Holidays can make a lot of people feel really lonely, especially a holiday that’s entirelyyy centred around love. If that’s you, we just wanna say: we see you. Your feelings are valid. If Valentine’s Day in particular feels like a lonely day for you, that’s nothing to be embarrassed or ashamed about, we promise! Instead of seeing this as a lovers-only day, make the day about showing yourself some love. Call it an “I <3 Me” day instead! That’s a holiday that deserves to be celebrated!

3. You’ve been hard on yourself lately

Have you been kinda hard on yourself lately? Not feeling your best or lacking confidence? Maybe even doubting your own worth? We’re here to remind you that we’ve all been there and it’s normal to feel down about yourself sometimes! So this Valentine’s Day, let’s challenge the nasty inner critic who makes you feel like you’re not good enough. Look, I think we should break up, Inner Critic. It’s not me… it’s you.

4. You’ve forgotten what you love about YOU

Since you’re making this Valentine’s Day a self-love day, it’s time to reflect on all of the things you looove about yourself. Is it how everyone in your life seems to share their deepest secrets with you because of how trustworthy you are? Your whip-smart ability to crack jokes on the spot? Or maybe it’s your dazzling smile that brightens every room you walk into (it’s okay to admit this)! There’s endless, ENDLESS things you might love about yourself that go unnoticed way too often. Try writing them down as a little love note to yourself! That’s some swoon-worthy stuff right there.

5. Single or not, love is pretty awesome

Whether you’re single AF or #taken, you gotta admit: love is a pretty awesome feeling. As corny as it is to say, love makes you feel all warm and fuzzy inside! It’s the feeling you get when you’re watching a movie and the characters who are ‘Meant 2 B’ finally end up together. It’s the feeling that inspires the greatest artists of all time to write novels, music, and create beautiful art! So go ahead and show yourself some love on this day. Start with self-gratitude (focus on why you’re such a rockstar), then follow that up with all the movies, food, and drinks that you LOVE!

6. You could use a reason to celebrate

Having a routine can be great, but it also gets pretty boring after a while. The great thing about holidays is that we have something to look forward to! Sure, they can be kinda superficial and cheesy and stressful to plan… wait, what were we saying? But despite those lil’ annoying parts of holidays like Valentine’s Day, the fun part is the celebration! Make sure your self-love day is all about FUN to make up for the shitty day (or week) you’ve been having. That’s what holidays are for, right?

7. You deserve to treat yourself

Flowers. Chocolate. Those cheesy V-Day cards. This may come as a surprise, but Valentine’s Day gifts are not just reserved for people in a relationship! Treating yourself on Valentine’s Day is a way to show yourself love and appreciation. And it doesn’t have to be red, covered in hearts or wrapped in a bow! Is there a book you’ve been wanting to read but have just been too damn busy to start? Now’s the time. The cashmere sweater that’s been sitting in your online shopping cart for weeks now? Time to check that baby outttt.

8. Self-love is great for your mental wellbeing

Self-love is a great practice to implement this Valentine’s Day. Buuut here’s an idea: what if you incorporated that into everyday? What a concept! But it’s true, loving yourself is really important. It affects how you see yourself, how you feel and your overall state of wellbeing. So after V-Day is over, ask yourself how you can show yourself some love in your everyday routine. Even the smallest things count!

Ok, valid points were made. If we’ve convinced you to make Valentine’s Day a self-love day, you might be wondering: Sure… but how? Great question! Here are just a few Valentine’s Day ideas to show yourself some love and turn it into your new fave holiday:

– Cook your fave meal or order take-out

– Watch your favourite rom-com (we know you have one)

– Have a mini dance party in your living room

– Sing some Hozier at the top of your lungs

– Light the best-smelling candles you own

– Gift yourself that one thing you’ve been wanting for a while

Journal about what self-love means to you

– Write a list of things you love about yourself

And last but certainly not least: buy some discount chocolate the days after V-Day. This one is non-negotiable. We hope you have a great Valentine’s Day, friend!

8 Ways to Cope with Eco-Anxiety and Climate Change

It feels like the end of the world a LOT of the time, doesn’t it? If you’ve grown up on the internet (which so many of us have), it’s safe to say you’ve seen your fair share of climate crisis news. The ice caps are melting. The coral reefs are dying. Species are going extinct. The impacts of climate change are becoming more and more visible, and scientists have been trying for years to call on government action. For so many of us, the fear and hopelessness we feel surrounding climate change, otherwise known as eco-anxiety, can be totally overwhelming.

There’s something we need to talk about more, and it’s how our mental health is impacted by climate change. Basically, eco-anxiety is the intense fear we feel when reading about climate change or the future of our planet. Even though you care deeply about climate change and do your best to reduce your carbon footprint, you probably are aware that climate change can’t be solved by one individual alone. That can be a scary and devastating realization for so many. How are we supposed to save the Earth when big corporations and our governments don’t seem to give a damn?!

We may not have all of the answers, but we do know this: your feelings are valid. Your feelings matter. And we wanna help you work through your climate anxiety with some tips that you can apply to your everyday life!

How Eco-Anxiety Affects Our Wellbeing

First, it’s important to recognize the signs of eco-anxiety. It’s like regular anxiety, only wrapped in single-use-non-recyclable materials! (Bad joke, sorry.) But really though, recognizing the signs of your environmental anxiety can be really helpful. The sooner you notice the patterns, the easier it will become to manage your eco-anxiety!

Here are some common mental symptoms of eco-anxiety:

– Depression and anxiety

Panic attacks

– Existential dread

– Fatalistic thinking

– Obsessive thoughts about climate change

– Anger or frustration (especially towards groups who don’t care about climate change)

– Guilt or shame about your carbon footprint or lack of effort in the past

– Feelings of grief or sadness about irreversible damage to the environment or extinct species

– Post-traumatic stress from experiencing the effects of climate change

Feeling a ton of eco-anxiety can also be harmful to your physical health. You might struggle to get enough sleep, or have changes in appetite. Headaches, stomach aches, and chest pain are also common symptoms of anxiety. If you experience these symptoms, both mentally and physically, for a long period of time, it can be beneficial to speak to a licensed therapist. You don’t have to deal with this alone.

How to Manage Your Eco-Anxiety

Okay, so you’re feeling anxious about climate change. We don’t blame you! But even though your concerns are coming from a good place, worrying constantly about the fate of the planet is a lot of weight to put on those shoulders of yours. Here are some simple ways to manage your eco-anxiety, ‘cause your mental health should always be a top priority!

1. Recognize Your Efforts

When you see others contributing to waste, like throwing recyclable items in the garbage, it’s easy to get discouraged. Sometimes, it can feel like you’re the only one who gives a shit about the environment. Have all of your thoughtful choices been for nothing?! The answer is NO!

Each of your simple lifestyle changes DO make a difference, no matter how small they might be. Maybe you bike to work instead of commuting by car. You might shop for items that use less packaging, or eliminate single use plastics from your daily life. Perhaps you’ve gotten really into thrifting clothes rather than purchasing fast fashion that will be out of style soon anyway. All of your efforts have made a positive impact, and you should feel proud of yourself!

While your contribution matters, don’t expect yourself to take on too much. You don’t have to make up for lost time or pick up anyone else’s slack. Your conscious effort is enough.

2. Get Educated

If this is something you’ve already been doing, that’s great! The exciting thing is that there’s always more to learn. Try attending some environmental lectures at your school or take an online course. Read up on some great literature or browse YouTube videos. There’s tons of great resources out there, and lots of them are free! Learning about your passion in ways that are fun can make it all the more exciting, not just anxiety inducing.

3. Find Like-Minded People

Sometimes it feels like other people are gaslighting how you feel by saying climate change isn’t that big of a deal, or that you’re overreacting. But you’re not alone: there are other people out there who are just as concerned about climate change as you are! Following eco pages on social media or joining online groups can be a great starting point. Make sure these are positive, motivational accounts that share helpful tips. These pages are more likely to reduce your eco-anxiety, not cause more of it!

Another way to meet like-minded people is by teaming up with in-person environmental clubs, like at your school or where you live. And if there’s no clubs that you can find, you can always start one! Don’t be afraid to put yourself out there. There are more people who care than you might think!

How To Deal With Eco Anxiety
Photo by Callum Shaw on Unsplash

4. Encourage Others to Make Changes

Not everyone in your life will be on the same page as you, but that’s okay. We all have to start somewhere! Maybe they’re not as informed about climate change as you are. But seeing how much you care about the environment can encourage them to start making more of an effort, even in small ways! 

Show them the best way to sort their recyclables. Introduce them to eco-friendly brands or show them everyday alternatives, like metal straws instead of plastic. Setting an example in an encouraging way, not a hostile one, is the best route to get your message across! This will help manage you eco-anxiety because you’ll see how your actions make a difference to the people around you.

5. Know Your Limits

If doom scrolling is also an anxious habit of yours, it’s probably best to limit your screen time (especially any environmental news you’ve been obsessively following). It’s tempting to fall down that dark rabbit whole, but it’s obviously not the safest option for your mental wellbeing. 

Try setting a time limit on your phone for how long you want to consume climate change related content, and don’t go over that limit! Staying informed doesn’t mean you have to subject yourself to endless scrolling which only heightens your eco-anxiety. Be kind to yourself.

6. Connect with Nature

Getting lost in the noise of climate news can be so draining. Taking a step back and finding time to get outdoors to enjoy the beauty of nature can make all the difference! So get some fresh air and go for a walk in the park, take a hike, rock climb, swim in a lake, or ski down a mountain. Whatever activity you enjoy that makes you feel closer to nature, do that! It’ll make you feel more connected to what you’re striving to save: the planet.

7. Volunteer in Your Community

If you’re constantly feeling like you wanna do more but aren’t sure how, don’t stress! There’s lots of ways to get involved in your community. You can volunteer at the recycling centre, start a composting system at school or work, organize a roadside trash pick up, and work to protect any national parks in your area. Making a positive impact on your community can help reduce eco-anxiety since your actions will have a butterfly effect: you’ll set an example for your peers who will start to follow your lead!

8. Stay Hopeful

Easier said than done, we know. Buuut showing concern for the environment doesn’t always have to weigh you down. Instead, take notice of all of the positive outcomes that activism has made in regards to climate change! Read up on successful stories, like new technological advances or law changes that are working towards saving the planet. There’s a lot of bad news out there, but also a ton of good. Take notice of these good news stories so that you don’t resort to complete hopelessness. There IS hope!

Climate change is an issue that’s so much bigger than us. But the good news is that we’re not alone; we’re in this together! Managing eco-anxiety can be really tough, but we hope these tips can help you as you navigate this feeling. And can we just say: we’re so proud of you!

Feeling Apathetic: A Guide to Your Emotions

Apathy can be a weird emotion to experience. When you’re feeling apathetic, you are indifferent to things in your life. It could be your hobbies that you’re usually super passionate about, but suddenly you’re not excited anymore. Or maybe it’s your major that you’re studying. You were once really interested in learning about neuroscience or Greek mythology or whatever it may be, only now you couldn’t care less. And you’re not sure what changed or why you don’t feel how you used to! It’s confusing but at the same time, you’re kinda like meh. You just can’t bring yourself to care!

Sooo then… does apathy still count as an emotion if we don’t feel anything?? It’s all very confusing, we know. But don’t worry, we’re here for you! It’s actually more common thank you might think and something you can work through. Let’s dive thru what it means to feel apathetic and how it impacts your mental wellness.

A Deeper Look at Feeling Apathetic

You’ve probably heard the term before, but what does it really mean to be apathetic? APA Dictionary defines apathy as: “n. lack of motivation or goal-directed behavior and indifference to one’s surroundings.” Who hasn’t been there, done that?! It’s safe to say everyone has experienced apathy at one point or another, whether it’s feeling unmotivated at work or struggling to accomplish daily tasks. No, you’re not a freak for feeling this way. This sort of situational apathy is pretty normal!

Research shows that there are actually a few different types of apathy: emotional apathy (lack of both positive and negative emotions), behavioural apathy (lack of self-initiated behaviours), and general apathy (less motivation, lack of social interaction, and poor emotional responses). 

In more extreme cases, apathy can be a diagnosable condition. To be diagnosed with apathy syndrome by a healthcare professional, you must meet all four of the following criteria and experience them for at least 4 weeks:

1. Decreased motivation (or a lack of it)

It’s normal to feel less motivated some days. But when it starts to become a problem that affects your ability to complete daily tasks, work or maintain relationships, then it’s something more serious.

2. Changes in behaviours, thoughts and emotions

Behaviour changes mean you aren’t acting like your usual self. You might find it harder to follow your usual routine or perform daily tasks, like showering or having meals. It could also mean you’re less social and find it harder to have conversation. Changes in thinking might mean you have become uninterested in social events, the news and deep thinking. Your emotions, or lack thereof, are also out of the ordinary.

3. Quality of life is affected

These changes in your behaviour have started to have a negative impact on your life. For instance, if you’re suddenly less interested in your school work, your grades will probably reflect that. When you feel less motivated at your job, your work performance will take a hard left. As far as maintaining personal relationships, you might put less effort into communicating or spending time with others.

4. Changes in behaviour not caused by other conditions

Other behaviour changes that have nothing to do with physical disabilities, substance use, or an otherwise affected level of consciousness.

We repeat: it’s okay to feel apathetic. Sometimes we just don’t care about planning a baby shower for our cousin, working towards fitness goals, or successfully pulling off a group project. Our emotions can be a lot to deal with, so it’s not abnormal to just turn off the part of our brain that cares sometimes. But this feeling eventually goes away! It’s when apathy starts to impact our lives negatively that it becomes a problem.

How Feeling Apathetic Shows Up Mentally

When you feel apathetic, it affects your mental wellbeing in many ways. We’ve covered quite a few already, but here’s a breakdown of mental symptoms of apathy:

– Difficulty performing daily tasks

– Low energy levels

– Feeling indifferent or disinterested

– Lack of both positive and negative emotions

– Uninterested in the usual activities or hobbies

– Unmotivated or less goal-oriented

– Compassion fatigue towards events

– Reduced social interaction or participation

It’s normal to experience apathy from time to time, but when it’s prolonged and affects your quality of life, it could be a sign of apathy syndrome or mental illness including depression and anxiety. If you’re experiencing these signs of apathy for a prolonged period of time, it’s important to seek professional help from a therapist to determine the cause. You don’t have to navigate this alone!

How Feeling Apathetic Shows Up Physically

There are many potential causes of apathy syndrome. Medical conditions like Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, dementia, schizophrenia, and stroke can be the factor. These conditions impact the frontal lobe which is responsible for apathy. Since apathy can also be linked to mental illness including anxiety and depression, you might experience some of the physical symptoms of those conditions. 

Those signs include fatigue or difficulty sleeping, muscle tension, withdrawing socially, anger or irritability, difficulty concentrating, and more. If you’re experiencing apathy for a long period of time, it’s important to seek medical attention.

5 Ways to Cope with Feeling Apathetic

When you’re apathetic, overcoming this feeling might seem next to impossible. But don’t worry, we have some coping strategies for you! Try ‘em out for yourself and see how much they can help. We know you can get through this.

1. Journal

We’re big fans of journaling here at DiveThru! Writing down exactly how you feel can be a helpful way to reframe and counter any negative thoughts. Go ahead and fill those pages — you might surprise yourself with how much you have to say!

2. Move your body

Let’s get physical! Go for a walk, stretch, ride a bike, dance, you name it. Exercise releases endorphins and improves your mood. Plus, it actually boosts your energy and improves focus. It does alllll the things!

3. Engage in something creative

Use your favourite creative outlet to channel those apathetic feelings. Get artsy by drawing, sketching, doing calligraphy or painting. Write poems or try blog writing. Practice an instrument, sing, dance! Give it a go!

4. Practice meditation

Meditation is a method that’s been used to relieve stress and improve mental clarity since, like… forever. This practice allows us to slowww down and shift our mindset. If you’re not sure how to meditate, start out with a guided practice. Hey, everyone’s gotta start somewhere!

5. Practice progressive muscle relaxation

When you feel apathetic, you might be struggling with giving a shit. And this can cause you to stress tf out about WHY you aren’t giving a shit. This is a helpful technique for reducing stress that involves tensing a group of muscles as you breathe in, and then relaxing them while you breathe out. Repeat as needed!

Anddd that’s it. That’s all for now, friend. Gentle reminder: you’re not a garbage human for feeling apathetic. You’re just human. No matter what, we’re here for you!