Feeling Angry: A Guide to Your Emotions

Think of a tea kettle on a stove (hear us out, all of you electric kettle users – the metaphor still works!). The hotter the water becomes, the closer it gets to boiling. Anger is a lot like that. When we sit on these angry feelings for a while, eventually we get to a boiling point. And then there’s the risk of getting burned. Feeling angry is like leaving a kettle on the stove and letting it get to boiling point, maybe even past that.

Okay, enough metaphors for now. We all know what it’s like to feel angry AF. Maybe your friend bailed on your plans last minute after you spent the afternoon getting ready. You could be experiencing a fit of road rage after someone totally cuts you off in traffic! Or your mom won’t stop nagging you about finding a plus one to your cousin’s wedding, after you’ve told her a thousand times you’re totally happy to attend single. It could be that your annoying neighbour keeps snagging your parking spot, even after you’ve asked so politely if they could leave you some room!! Whatever it is, it’s got you raging and you’ve just about had enough.

Repeat after us: everything. is. gonna. be. fine. We know how hard it is to clear your mind and gain control over this emotion in the moment. But it’s not impossible! Let’s get into what it means to be angry and how you can handle this feeling before you exploooode!

A Deeper Look at Feeling Angry

First of all, what does it actually mean to feel angry? APA Dictionary defines anger (n.) as an emotion characterized by tension and hostility arising from frustration, real or imagined injury by another, or perceived injustice.”

There are sooo many reasons you might be feeling angry. Whether you’re slightly annoyed or extremely pissed off, it’s totally normal to feel this emotion from time to time. But let’s get specific with the potential reasons we feel angry…could it be stress from finances? What about family conflict, a relationship that’s up and down, or an emotionally draining friendship? Could it be a demanding course load at school? Maybe you’ve been criticized, rejected or treated poorly by someone in your life. You could be dealing with grief from losing a loved one. Sometimes, things happen to us that are just unfair. It might be a situation where you’re dealing with past trauma, or physical or psychological pain. Whether extreme or not, the list of things that could be triggering our anger goes on and on!

But even though it’s normal to feel anger in response to stress or any problems that come up in our daily lives, it can also be super destructive mentally and emotionally. Think about it. When we get angry, we tend to say or do things in the moment that we regret later. Having a random outburst, snapping at someone, or breaking things are all examples of when we lose control of our anger. And it’s safe to say that these can affect not just our relationships, but our own wellbeing.

We don’t want you to hold all of your anger inside. Like we said before, holding anger inside will eventually come back to bite us. And because we all experience anger differently and for different reasons, it’s important to identify the root cause of what’s making you feel this way in order to fully manage your anger.

How Feeling Angry Shows Up Mentally

When we’re angry, it can be reallyyy hard to think clearly. Typically, we fixate on this feeling and obsess over it until the anger finally goes away. You might feel easily annoyed, irritable or frustrated by every little thing. It’s also common to be dealing with stress and anger at the same time, since we tend to lash out when we feel overwhelmed. Anger could also make you feel anxious or nervous. Feeling resentful of the people or situations in your life, especially the ones that are driving you up the wall, is also a common sign of anger. When you’re feeling angry, you will probably have a hard time relaxing since you’re so worked up about something. If you do blow up at someone out of anger, striking out verbally or physically, it will probably lead to feelings of guilt and you’ll have to work to make things right with the people you’ve hurt.

You could experience any of these signs at any time when you’re angry, but it’s crucial to manage your emotions to avoid any blow ups or harmful behaviour. This is why it matters so much to deal with anger in healthy ways, to maintain your wellbeing and avoid damaging your relationships!

How Feeling Angry Shows Up Physically

Did ya know that anger actually affects multiple parts of the body? Yeppp, your brain, heart AND muscles! Similar to stress, it’s normal to experience a few of the following physical symptoms whenever you’re feeling angry:

  • Clenched jaw
  • Grinding teeth
  • Headache
  • Increased blood pressure
  • Increased heart rate
  • Muscle tension
  • Feeling hot in the neck or face
  • Shaking or trembling
  • Tingling sensation

5 Ways to Cope with Feeling Angry

Now that you have a better idea of what might be causing you to feel angry, how do you deal with this emotion? Don’t worry, we’ve got your back. Here are some coping strategies for dealing with anger to get you feeling like yourself again!

1. Move your body

Let’s get physical! Go for a walk, stretch, ride a bike, dance, you name it. Exercise releases endorphins and actually improves your mood. Plus, it boosts your energy and improves focus. It does alllll the things!

2. Progressive muscle relaxation

This is a helpful technique for reducing stress that involves tensing a group of muscles as you breathe in, and then relaxing them while you breathe out. Repeat as needed!

3. 5-4-3-2-1 grounding exercise

Engage all five senses and mindfully notice five things you can see, four things you can touch, three things you can hear, two things you can smell, and one thing you can taste. Go in any order that makes sense for you and your current situation – no pressure!

4. Practice deep breathing

Breathe in. Breathe out. Taking a moment to focus on your breathing has actually been proven to lower anxiety and reduce stress. Plus, deep breathing slows your heart rate and provides your brain with enough oxygen to chillax (making you feel less angry)!

5. Reach out to a support person

Your loved ones are there for a reason! When you need to talk through how you’re feeling, lean on the people you trust. Sometimes just having someone to listen to us and validate how we’re feeling makes all the difference.

Okay friend, that’s all for now. We hope you found all of this info helpful and use these tips whenever you’re feeling angry! Remember: don’t let yourself boil over. You CAN work through this feeling and come out on top. We believe in you!

8 Ways to Teach Consent at an Early Age

Don’t you wish that you had been given an option to simply high-five your mom’s great-great-uncle at that family reunion when you were 6? Instead, your mom made you go in for a hug, and it felt wrong and weird. After all, you had just met this person! Now, years later, you’re thinking that might’ve been the perfect situation to teach consent.

This scene is alllll too familiar for many of us. We’re taught that as a child, we should hug and kiss relatives that we don’t really know (or like) to make them happy, not us.  Even though this forced hug might have seemed like an innocent interaction, it taught us that we didn’t have autonomy over our body and that what we were comfortable with didn’t really matter. This idea can follow us into adulthood when we start putting other people’s feelings before ours in order to be polite. 

You might think that you have total control over your body but many of us (particularly women) still feel obligated to allow unwanted physical touch from others. It’s as though there is an unspoken rule that says other people are allowed to touch us and we shouldn’t be upset by it. It sucks! But now you’re a parent and you’re wondering if there is a way to change that experience for your kids. You might be asking yourself, when is the right time to teach your kids about how they can choose what happens to their bodies?

Teaching consent to children is overwhelming and parents struggle knowing where to start. Adults typically view the concept of consent as a sober and enthusiastic YES before getting down and doing the dirty. But consent isn’t always just about sex. We can teach kids from an early age that consent and setting boundaries, like how to say no, are important and necessary so that physical touch can happen in appropriate ways.

1. Body Literacy

Call it what it is. If it’s a toe, it’s a toe. If it’s a knee, it’s a knee. And a vagina, is a vagina. Giving anatomically correct names to body parts can help children become more comfortable in their own skin and encourages them not to feel shame about their own bodies and body parts. It also creates an open door to talk about bodies in case something was to ever happen to your child. Equipping them with this bodily vocabulary can then help identify where they were touched, by who, and how it made them feel.

This can also help them identify acceptable places on where to touch others. If your child is play-wrestling, they’ll know what parts of another person’s body are and aren’t ok to grab, especially without consent. 

2. Model Consent

Even if you and your partner have an understanding that taking a bite of their food or a drink from their glass is ok between the two of you, it’s good to model consent even in these small ways. So, you can ask your partner, “Hey, can I have some of your water?” or, “Can I have a kiss?”

 Tiny interactions like this will show your child that consent is necessary at ALL times and for ALL things. It reinforces the concept of consent and also helps them understand that they can’t just take other people’s things when they want.

3. Their Body, Their Choice

When it’s safe for your child, let them choose what to do with their body! Reinforce this idea that they have a right and an ability to choose what happens to them and that the choices they make matter.

This could mean your kid gets to choose whether or not to hug their great-great-aunt, or this might mean letting them choose to quickly run to the car in the winter without their coat on. Something as little as asking them if they want the blue sweater or the green sweater that morning gives them an option to choose how they express themselves that day, and it also encourages them to build a healthy sense of self.

Obviously, letting them run away and go for an adventure during a parade isn’t in their best interest and it’s definitely not safe to let them choose in that situation, but when you think they can make a choice about their body, let them do it! 

4. Give Them Options

If your kiddo does need a coat but doesn’t want to wear one, give them choices! Let them decide. Even though they might need a coat, they’re still making a choice about what goes on their body.

 If you have a family member who wants to give them a big hug and a kiss goodbye, don’t force your kid into giving physical affection they aren’t comfortable with. Give them a choice of a greeting or farewell. You can say something like “Do you want to give Auntie Diane knuckles, a high-five, or a hug?”

 All of these still show appreciation for the adult, but it allows your kid to choose how closely they want to interact with them.

Giving your kid these options also shows the adult that consent with children is important and that their boundaries need to be respected. Some people might get mad that you’re not making your kid hug them, but to be honest, if they’re being that weird about not hugging a child, you probably don’t want them touching your kid anyway.

If this adult does get mad or upset, just explain your motivation for this exercise and that you’re teaching your child consent. Hopefully, this will help them understand where you’re coming from.

5. Teach Empathy

Trying to tell a child to put themselves into someone else’s shoes can be a hard concept to teach. But teaching your kid to empathize with others will help them see other people’s boundaries.

Ask your kid something along the lines of, “Would you like ___ if it was done to you?”

This is a great starting point for helping your kid understand that their actions impact others and how they feel. This empathy can help your kid interact with kindness and consideration towards others.

6. “No” Comes in All Shapes and Sizes

Teach your kid how to recognize no. It’s not always a direct statement like “No!” Being able to recognize the indirect and nonverbal ways someone communicates this “no” is SOOO important. “No” can look like silence or an “I don’t know…” Sometimes it can only be seen in someone’s face and body language.

Teach your kids to look for an excited and enthusiastic yes. If there isn’t one, help them understand why it’s a no

7. Make It Fun

Make a game out of it! An easy way to teach consent is with a tickle game. Tickle your kids until they say “Stop!” then freeze. Start being the tickle monster again only when they say so! You should make sure that you ask your kid’s permission to play this game to help reinforce the concept of consent. Also, make sure that only safe and appropriate body parts are allowed to be tickled during the tickle game.

Sometimes kids can say “no” or “stop” in a playful way, but this can often be part of the game. Stop the tickling or the playing even when they say these words while laughing and having a good time! This shows that their words matter and that they should have a voice in any situation.

This is a really easy and positive way to show your child that their boundaries matter and that they should be respected at any age!

8. Having a Crush Doesn’t Excuse Violating Boundaries

Remember when Gilbert pulls Anne’s hair in Anne of Green Gables? He did this because he had a crush on her. Even though they grow up together and eventually fall in love, this doesn’t excuse him hurting Anne.

 How many times have you heard someone say, “that just means they like you,” in response to nastiness from one kid to another? That’s not a good lesson to teach because it perpetuates the idea that your child’s feelings don’t matter and that casual violence is flattering. 

As we grow older, we internalize that message and begin to believe that violence equals love. We want our kids to see love as a healthy, happy, and equal thing to engage in. We don’t want to associate love with anger or violence.

Just remember that as a parent, you still reserve the right to protect your kid. Grabbing them before they run into the street or making them hold your hand in the grocery store is still allowed (and necessary) because their safety is the most important thing. If your kid questions why this is ok, explain it to them.  

Teaching your child how to express their own boundaries to others and to respect others’ will set them up for a fantastic life of kindness and consent. They’ll be telling you “no” in no time!

Why Gender Pronouns in Email Signatures Are Important

Who’s ready for a little grammar class? Anyone? No one? Don’t worry, we’ll start slow with an introduction to gender pronouns.

So, what is a pronoun? It’s basically a substitute for a noun. In this case, the nouns we are going to be substituting are people’s names.

 Common pronouns, and the ones we are going to be talking about today, are personal pronouns. These personal pronouns can be phrased in the first, second or third person:

1st: I, me, we, us

2nd: you

3rd: she, her, he, him, they, them, it

 So instead of referring to your dog as Mr. Macaroni, you might refer to him as “he” or “him.”

We won’t get into the semantics of the different kinds of pronouns (because only our writers here at DiveThru get really stoked about grammatical details), so all you have to know is that a pronoun is how you refer to yourself or another person without using their name.

Now, why should we be putting our pronouns in our email signatures? As a cisgender person (someone who identifies with the sex they were assigned at birth), it might seem weird and kind of trivial.

But for transgender individuals (people who don’t identify with the sex they were assigned at birth) and non-binary individuals, having their pronouns listed is really important. That way, they aren’t misgendered and their identity is respected by the people in their workplace.

 Ok, now that we have that background info out of the way, let’s talk about why it’s an awesome idea to include your gender pronouns in your email signature!

1. It Normalizes Gender Pronouns

Assuming someone’s pronouns is risky business! Adding your pronouns helps normalize using them so that way, no one has to guess. This can make trans and non-binary individuals in your office feel safer, more comfortable, and respected in the workplace.

It is a small action, but it can have a really big impact on how trans and non-binary people feel in a work environment. It can also make any clients that you communicate with feel safe and welcome while talking to you too. Honestly, it’s a win for everyone!

2. It Shows That You and Your Company Are Inclusive

Even if it seems like a small gesture to you, it shows that you and your company are inclusive. Because some places of work might not be as accepting as others (and can even be a dangerous environment for a person to be in), this gesture welcomes trans and non-binary people into your space.

 Adding pronouns in your email signatures is a super easy way of communicating that everyone is safe and welcome within your company. Whether they’re applying to work there, or they are a customer of yours, it can make a HUGE difference to a trans or non-binary person when they see your pronouns listed.

3. It Prevents Misgendering Someone

Repeat after us: You can’t assume someone’s gender by looking at them. Perfect! You recited that beautifullyyy!

But legit, you can’t assume someone’s gender by looking at them. If someone is femme presenting, they still might use different pronouns than she/her. Being misgendered can be a really triggering experience for trans and non-binary people. So, having pronouns listed can prevent misgendering people and causing them unnecessary trauma and pain.

4. It’s Not Hard

It takes about a minute to update your email signature, and there aren’t really any reasons not to. So, do it! Do it now! Right now! While you’re thinking about it! Go!

You don’t have to just keep this addition of your pronouns to your email signatures, either. Add them to all your social media accounts! Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook. Update them all! 

5. It Opens Up the Conversation About Gender Pronouns

Have you ever wondered what the best way is to learn someone’s pronouns? Like you’re super aware that you can’t assume someone’s gender, so you’re wondering how you could possibly ask them without being direct and rude? Well, start by sharing your own pronouns! No one is obligated to share theirs with you back but this small gesture on your behalf will indicate that it’s a safe space to do so if they want to.

Including your pronouns in your email signatures as a cisgender person is super easy and it’s a really important step to take in order to help Queer people in our lives feel seen and feel safe. You might think or feel that adding your pronouns to your email and bio is a bit excessive, but it shows you care about other people and their pronouns. 

The trans and non-binary folks in your life will thank you!

5 Ways to Stay Confident Throughout Your Job Search Online

Let’s face it: job searching online kinda sucks. Talking yourself up to recruiters over and over again, only to face rejection. Spending foreverrr finding the perfect template for your resume and cover letter, and not even landing an interview. Scrolling through Instagram and seeing your friends living their best fully-employed lives wearing their cute AF blazers. Meanwhile… you’re on the couch binging New Girl and shopping online for another pair of comfy pants.

Being part of the unemployed club can really mess with your confidence. Trust us, we’ve been there. Who here hasn’t spent hours on Indeed.com and LinkedIn, applying for positions you KNOW you would be perfect for but nothing ever comes of it?! Pfft, their loss, baby! But for real, these tips should help guide you along and gain some of that positive momentum back while you search the web for your next job. Because guess what? You got this.

1. Set Realistic Goals

Setting easy and attainable goals while you job search online will make your to-do list look way, way less scary. Ask yourself: How many custom cover letters can I write today before I feel like screaming? How many job postings on LinkedIn can I realistically apply for this week?

The LAST thing you need is to put even more pressure on yourself. Job searching online can be super overwhelming so just take it one day at a time! You’ll feel like you crushed it after crossing off that checklist. #nailedit!

2. Avoid Comparison

It may seem like your friends and old classmates are getting alllllll the jobs and are way ahead of you in the game. And while you’re happy for them, part of you may feel jealous or insecure. Don’t be so hard on yourself. Your feelings are totally valid!

It’s so easy to compare yourself to the people you admire, especially when you’re not exactly where you want to be yet. Key word: yet. Remind yourself that you will get there. Whenever you feel like pitting your own achievements against someone else’s, keep in mind that they were in your shoes once, too. There are also a few secret (not so secret) tips on how to stop comparing yourself to others. Use them!

3. Realize You Don’t Actually Have to Meet Every Single Job Requirement

You know the job postings. The ones that say it requires 10+ years of experience, a Masters’ degree, and the secrets of the universe? Ok, maybe not the last part… but you get the idea. What you may not realize is that you don’t need to have every listed requirement in order to be fit for any job you see online. There’s a good chance you do have all of the knowledge and skills they’re looking for, even if you don’t have that much experience yet. You just have to overcome imposter syndrome first…

Remember everyone has to start somewhere! Highlight all of the reasons that you are right for the job in your resume and cover letter before you submit. It will give you the confidence to apply for what you want. Because let’s be real, you kick ass and they would be lucky to hire you!

4. Don’t Take Rejection Personally

Rejection is the worst. Whether you’re turned down for a job over a phone call, a quick email, or no contact at all (it happens more than you think) hearing “no” doesn’t feel good.. especially when you thought the interview went great. So even though you’re awesome and super qualified and you wore your lucky interview sweater, why didn’t you get the job? It’s hard not to think: Why didn’t they like me? Am I not good enough?

The reality is, there could be tons of reasons why someone else got the job. But that doesn’t say anything about your worth as a person. It just wasn’t the right fit! And maybe this will even push you towards finding the right career path. When the right fit does come along, you’ll be kinda glad those other jobs didn’t work out in the end.

5. Make Time for Yourself

When you job search online, it can feel like a full-time job in itself! Onlyyy you don’t get paid. Instead, you doubt all of the skills you carefully outlined on your resume and obsess over your LinkedIn profile. Greatttt.

With browsing online for a job on your mind 24/7, you could probably use some much needed self-care ideas for stress. Do something for yourself that you usually don’t have time for when you’re working. Pick up an old hobby, or start a new one. Read that book that’s been collecting dust on your shelf. Binge-watch that show on Netflix everyone’s been talking about. It’s okay to make time for you.

Say it with us: Your worth isn’t defined by your job. Say it loud to yourself every morning, or write it in your journal! Hopefully these tips will keep you in the right headspace while you job search online. You got this!

The Ultimate Self Care Gift Guide for Your Holiday Season

It’s that time of the year again and with everything that has happened in 2021, we definitely recommend gifting some things that bring comfort and happiness to your friends and fam. Look no further! We have an entire gift guide of mental health-related ideas that are perfect to give this Holiday season. What’s cooler than taking care of your mental wellbeing? Helping your friends do it too! 

1. Weighted Blankets

If you’ve never tried a weighted blanket, you might be wondering what it even does! Well, weighted blankets are perfect for people with anxiety. Why? The extra weight puts the body’s autonomic nervous system at rest and can decrease a rapid heartbeat and slow breathing. It feels like a nice full body hug! We’re swooning over how perfect this mental health gift would be for our loved ones.

Argstar Sherpa Fleece Blanket

Ok but like, weighted blankets are a GAME CHANGER! It’s sooooo relaxing to have the weight of something on top of you. It feels like a nice heavy hug! Weighted blankets are designed to help reduce anxiety by providing pressure to the body. It works wonders honestly, and is such an amazing way to reduce stress! Take a look at the Argstar Sherpa Fleece blanket.


Sooo this Bearaby weighted comforter is the most fashionable one everrrrr. Anddd it’s not just weighted comforters Bearaby specializes in! This cozy velvet blanket is weighted AND stylish. It’s so pretty that it could live on your couch forever and ever! In fact, you’d probably get a compliment or two on your STUNNING knitted blanket. They even have a kids version


If your friends and fam want to spend every day after Christmas falling asleep and feeling like they’ve been tucked in, this is the perfect gift for them! This fuzzy Cottonblue blanket provides the best of both worlds with endless softness AND extra weight! 

2. Candles

Our self care gift guide wouldn’t be complete without candles! This may or may not surprise you, but candles actually have an effect on your mental health – especially scented candles! The smell of candles activates something called our limbic system. It’s part of the brain that houses emotions and memories. When we smell these lovely, lovely candles, hormones like serotonin and dopamine are released and we feel happy and relaxedddd.

Bearhug Naturals 

The founder Bearhug Naturals has perfected the art of connection! These Bearhug Naturals candles were made to help let your loved ones know that even though you might be far apart this holiday season, you’re still thinking of them and loving them as much as ever! Plus, they’re sooooo lovely and cozy.


If you want to go the extra mile candle-wise, this is the perfect one for you! With soy wax and amazing scents, this lovely Soja & Co candle is the ultimate gift to help set the calming mood. When the perfect candle is lit and the vibes change, you can’t help but to take a moment and relax.

Brooklyn Candle Studio 

These candles from Brooklyn Candle Studio are soooo gorgeous! They smell amazing and are guaranteed to bring a little bit of relaxation to whoever lights it. These candles are hand poured, phthalate free, vegan, petroleum free, and cruelty free. It doesn’t get better than that! 

Cactus Candles

Do you have a plant love in your life who would love these? These adorable succulent tea lights are perfect for literally anyone who has a love for leaves!

3.  Weighted Sleep Masks

This is kiiiind of the same as the weighted blanket, but not totally (because it’s just on your eyes, duh!). But we love a good weighted sleep mask because they are proven to help you fall asleep faster and make you sleep for longer. They also block out any annoying light that might be shining in through your window, so you can sleep the whole night (or day) away!


The most fashionable weighted eye mask from Lunya that you ever did see (or not see because you’ll be wearing it). It’s made of super high-quality materials (think washable silk) and will be your new favourite thing to wear to bed and nap time. Oh ya, you can give it as a gift too!

Sivio Cooling Weighted Eye Mask

People don’t talk about this enough! Weighted sleep masks are the bombbbbb! They darken everything and make you fall asleep so fast. Even the most insomniac of insomniacs will love this! 


Imagine soft velvet covering your eyes and a slight pressure against your eyelids to block out light and help you fall asleep. Ok, now stop imagining and buy this EVQ eye mask for your friend or family! That’s what it feels like! 

Weighted Lavender Eye Pillow

Ok so this eye pillow is a bit different than the eye masks, but we loved that it had a scent portion to it! This is perfect for people who get migraines and just want another calming element to their sleep routine!

4.  Books

If you have a bookworm in your life, novels and books are the perfect present! They’re also great for your mental health! Reading improves your mood by reducing stress and promoting relaxation by engaging the mind and imagination. When you read, your brain is focused on a single task, so you feel more and more relaxed and at ease as you scan the pages. While we’ve provided links to purchase these books, we 10/10 recommend shopping at your local bookstore whenever possible!

Do Nothing

No, this isn’t just a suggestion to do nothing (although that does sound like a relaxing holiday). It’s actually a book (and audiobook!) by Celeste Headlee that teaches us to stop celebrating toxic burnout culture and the idea that overworking yourself is the only way to go. Hopefully this encourages you and your gift-receiver to slow down and look after your mental health!

The Subtle Art of Not Giving a Fuck

Not to be dramatic, but this is one of those books that defines a generation! It breaks down the idea of being positive all the time and how that’s not even a little bit realistic. Gotta love some toxic positivity *eye roll.* This is the perfect read for someone who feels like they aren’t allowed to feel their emotions. This might actually help them break it all down and become a happier person! 


Yep, this book is on our shelves and our team of writers have fallen in loooooove with Glennon Doyle! This book is all about finding your own inner power and liberating yourself in all aspects of your life. It’s the perfect embodiment of what it means to be a woman in modern society.

5. Journals

WE LOVE JOURNALING! Journaling helps you process what you’re thinking and feeling by organizing it on a piece of paper. Sometimes, our stresses don’t seem so bad when we can see them written out in front of us. You can then walk yourself through how you’re feeling and understand your emotions even better!

Gratitude Journal

If you know us, you know that we love a good gratitude journal! This one is a great way to get yourself or the people in your life thinking about what they’re grateful for each and every day. Super cute, right? One for you, and one for them!

Mindful As Fuck

Ok this is a journal after our own heart. If you like a little bit of humour and a ton of crass words, this is the perfect journal for you. We love when mental health and humour can combine together to create something funny AND helpful! 

One Day At A Time Guided Journal

This one is one of our favourites because it reminds us to be mindful, check in with ourselves and take a step back from all the mental clutter. It helps us stay mindful and organized while also making sure that we’re putting self care on the top of our list this holiday season! 

 6.  Blanket Hoodies

Sometimes, when you are hella depressed and anxious, the idea of putting on real clothing can seem like a massive task! These blanket hoodies are perfect if you just don’t have the energy to wear pants. 

The Comfy

Ummm we will be buying one for ourselves and literally everyone else on our Christmas list! This wearable blanket looks so comfy and we can imagine that it feels just like a cloud.


This is another blanket hoodie that looks just as cozy and wonderful as the first. This blanket hoodie is the perfect thing to spend the entire winter season in. Don’t mind us! We’re just going to live in this for a few months. 

7. Crafty Embroidery Kits

Ok, keep an open mind! Embroidery is actually relaxing AFFFFF. It’s no longer just for your grandma! We’re making it cool to create cute patterns on fabric again with the help of these embroidery kits. But you might also be wondering, what does this have to do with mental health? Good question, friend! It’s actually a really relaxing task to do because it distracts your mind, doesn’t take a ton of brain power, and you have a product to be proud of at the end of it! 

Embroidery Set: Beginner Level

This lovely embroidery set is perfect for beginners! If you aren’t sure of what to get someone this holiday season, this is the perfect gift! Dollars to doughnuts that they don’t have an embroidery kit! And dollars to doughnuts that they don’t have a piece of art like this that they’ve made themselves! 

Embroidery Set For The Plant Lovers

Sooooo, we just really liked these patterns to be honest! We loooove plants! We love greenery! And we love succulents! These designs are cute af and make the perfect gift for your friends who already have tons of plants.

Advanced Level Of Craftiness: Thread and Folk

Looking for more contemporary designs for that super chic friend? Take a peek at this wonderful book. You’ll both be SO inspired for your next projects!

8. Colouring Books

Colouring books aren’t just for kids anymore! Mental health professionals recommend colouring for adults because it actually helps promote mindfulness and helps you relax the part of your brain that is afraid. It’s kind of like meditating, but you get to colour fun things instead!

Coffee And Animals

Ok, two of our favourite things: coffee and animals! There are tons of colouring books that are made specifically for adults that are detailed, full of swear words, and fun as fuck! This is just one of the many that we found that we loooove.

Fuck Off, I’m Colouring

This colouring book is basically made up of our vocabulary and is perfect for anyone who has a mouth like a sailor! Who doesn’t want to colour in swear words? How relaxing!

Calm the Fuck Down

Andddddd another one with a ton of swears! Make sure that the kids in your life don’t get a hold of it. That way you’re free to colour in profanities howeverrrrr you want! 

9.  Wellness Boxes

Sometimes, we all need a little bit of pampering! If you have someone in your life who could use a little extra self care and self love, these boxes are the perfect place to start looking for gifts. They’re chock-full of goodies specifically designed to make the receiver feel 100%! (P.S. that receiver can also be you, friend)


If you’ve ever wanted presents from a therapist, this is the box for you! Therabox contains little gifts hand-picked for you by therapists to make you feel at peace. It’s also the perfect present for anyone else who might need a gift from a mental health professional.

Loti Wellness Box

As you know, we HIGHLY recommend self care every single day! So why not gift self care for the holidays too? This box from Loti Wellness is one amazing way to help your loved ones take charge of their wellbeing this winter!

Hygge Book Club

So, if you don’t know what Hygge is, you’re seriously missing out! It’s the Danish practice of finding peace and tranquillity through life’s little things. In this box, they include things that help you find Hygge and practice that little bit of mindfulness with the help of the gifts in the box.

Cure Crate

The experts at Cure Crate have you fill out a survey which will help them curate 4-5 CBD products and put them in the subscription box! We love CBD because it helps calm you down and relax your body in a safe way with no high. So if you know a high-strung person, this might be the gift box for them!

There you have it! We hope that this gave you some self care gift ideas for every person on your list this holiday season. We will definitely be purchasing some (if not all) of these for our loved ones. But before we let you go, please don’t forget to look after yourself too! The holidays can be stressful for a lot of reasons, especially this year, so look after yourself too. You matter!

Happy Holidays! We love you!


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